Because the night belongs to lovers
patti smith-just kids.
her autoboigraphy tells the story of her exciting youth together with Robert Maplethorpe in New York.
im going to it buy tmrw!
es ist liebe.
“A terrible weariness fills the soul of my heart. I feel sad because of whom I never was, and I don’t know with what kind of nostalgia I miss him.”
Camille Rushanaedy from Stylelikeu.com . i really admire her style and way to dress down..very inspiring indeed!
Johannes Kahrs: Die Stille nach dem Schrei
Perfect match. Visual :German painter Johannes Kahrs & Music: Pantha du prince. raww so looking forward to see Pantha perform in Frankfurt, Tanzhaus West tmrw!!
television personalities
the block 2010/spring.
the beautiful ones / photographer louis christopher .
music: television personalities-seasons in the sun (unreleased yet). credit to dirtyflaws.
the beautiful ones / photographer louis christopher .
music: television personalities-seasons in the sun (unreleased yet). credit to dirtyflaws.
Fade to Black.
im not sure.
do i like this or does it disgust me?
it dont like the gothic style as such, i must confess.
Good beat anyway! :D
this is a dark, dark post.
Moment décisif. Henri Cartier-Bresson.
Der Franzose Henri Cartier Bresson (1908-2004) war einer der größten Fotografen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Das Skurrile im Alltäglichen suchend, immer auf der Jagd nach dem „entscheidenden Moment“ gelangen Cartier-Bresson seine zutiefst menschlichen Aufnahmen. Musik von Interpol.
L.E.S Artistes: Hu Jin Di (胡峻涤油画)
I first saw Hu Jundi’s work on fffound.com. It made a deep impression on me.
The female oil portraits painted by Hu Jundi possess the mystery of the beauty of the women.
ooh! beautiful people.
marcel castenmiller/ constance jablonski/ hanne gaby odiele,/erin wasson,/alice dellal/christian brylle/ natasa vojnovic and mirte maas
Pamela Reed + Matthew Rader
Makeup/Hair: Saya Hughes
Anime Girl: Emma Dumont
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