Little Princess

I love Shirley Temple. She's such a doll.

this basically mirrors the childhood i always wanted, sweet and inocent like sugar. normally i really,really am not the kind of girl for sweet, rosa-puffy glitter-dreams, but not today.must be the spring that rushes through my veins.
all via aprintaday.blogspot.com
i'm here
you can watch the whole short movie at www.imheremovie.com
cutest movie website ever!
it's designed like a cinema and you can watch the movie only at certain times.
it's designed like a cinema and you can watch the movie only at certain times.
You've got all and it's
Pretty good but I
Seem to be in disbelief
You come in, check my time
You've got fornication crimes
I've seen your death on television
Cue immortal child like times
Separation is divine
Here is a strike beneath your knees
And they all want to love the cause
'Cause they all need to be the cause
They all want to fuck the cause
L.E.S Artistes #12
death is part of our lives.
fumie sasabuchi bearbeitet fashion editorials indem sie anatomisch exakt unter der haut liegende knochen, muskeln und organe mit feinen kugelschreibern und farbstiften zeichnet überzeichnet.
it's been one or two years ago since i saw a guy in the bus
who looked exactly like faris from the horrors.
still regret that i did not talk to him.
Copy and Paste
John Baldessari On The Origins of Copy and Paste Culture.
When it comes to imitate an artist, I think it is a bit disrespectful since ideally the person developed that look over time and worked to get it to be their own. I do think that ideas are recycled. As an artist you cannot be extremely attached to anything you do or come up with. You need to be able to constantly evolve because no matter what your idea has or will be done again. I also think that it is nice to share tips and tricks with one another. ( thats why me and a friend recently launched an art collective together..we wanted to create a platform for people like us, making art, working free on differnt projects like photography or video art to learn from each other , to find inspriation in each others work.btw, the pics postes by kim a from that art collective).
keen on boys
Already dead/ So kill my head/ There's a sun in his eyes/ It won't go away/ I'm already dead/ Why is it I can't kill my....
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